Lifting Up Hawaii

Lifting Up Hawaii

Transform Hawaii Government envisions a state government that uplifts island residents with the delivery of public services through modernized processes and technology.

Reimagining Government

Reimagining Goverment

Transform Hawaii Government is helping the state build a strong technology backbone system that transforms public-sector services into accessible, welcoming experiences. We envision a government that is connected and coordinated across all departments, breaking through systematic barriers and silos, to deliver services that enable everyone in Hawaii to thrive.

People-Centered Services

People-Centered Services

Government modernization is all about people. People creating streamlined business processes and using information technology to serve our island residents.

Supporting Modernization in Government

Supporting Modernization in Government

Transform Hawaii Government partners qith state government to empower state employees and state leaders with the resources they needed to make effective decisions that ensure Hawaii thrives.

News & Updates

Stay informed and engaged with the latest information.

A group of seven people stands together, smiling in front of a backdrop featuring an intricate seal and flags. The person in the center is holding an open book or document. They are all dressed in vibrant, patterned clothing, reflecting a formal yet festive setting.

Modernization takes many hands working together. Laulima literally means “many hands” and symbolically represents how we can thrive by working together to take collective action. State government touches the lives of everyone in Hawaii, from businesses to nonprofit organizations, and from keiki to kupuna. We all need to do our part to make sure government serves us all.

Transformation Heroes

Realizing transformative, positive outcomes for the greater community.

A woman with shoulder-length dark hair and glasses smiles at the camera. She is wearing a purple blouse with a floral pattern.

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We have several projects. We have a telehealth project that we're rolling out in the different libraries and we're switching from our tattle-tape magnetic tape system to an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system, which will allow staff and patrons to use radio frequency technology to check out books and manage inventory..Quote Icon

Stacie Kaneshige
Director, Hawaii State Library System
A man with graying hair smiles broadly. He is wearing a black and white patterned shirt featuring floral designs. The background is removed, leaving a transparent backdrop.

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We have two major modernization projects within DHS. They are mission-critical apps; one for welfare recipients and the other for social services.Quote Icon

Ryan Shimamura
Chief information Officer, Department Of Human Services

