
Transform Hawaii Government (THG) believes that having a clear north star guiding an efficient, responsive and digital government is critical to any modernization effort.

State of Hawaii IT Strategic Plan

State's IT Strategic Priorities: Digital Workforce Development, Expand Statewide Cyber Security Strategy, Optimize Enterprise Systems, Implement Dynamic and Sustainable IT Operations, Extend IT Portfolio Governance, Enhance Value of State Data, Partner for Successful Outcomes

Created in 2019, the State of Hawaii’s Information Technology Strategic Plan, published by the state chief information officer’s Office of Enterprise Technology Services, is an important document outlining the big-picture vision, goals and objectives. Its aim is to help the state’s departments look toward the future in a cohesive manner for greater effectiveness and efficiency as they pursue their modernization priorities.

THG strongly recommends reading the plan to understand the scope of its efforts and to use insights gleaned from it — and from other information here on our website — to plan for your organization’s future.

Learn More About The Plan

To better understand the foundation and evolution of the state’s IT Strategic Plan, we have provided links to two key documents that helped shape current government systems.

In September 2011, a Baseline of Information Management and Technology and Comprehensive View of State Services was released analyzing many departments and their systems. It concluded that many departments relied on antiquated IT infrastructure and inefficient paper-based processes creating barriers to data integration and information sharing.

This led to development of the State of Hawaii Business and Information Technology/Information Resource Management Transformation Plan, unveiled on October 4, 2012, which provided a proposed long-term vision for state transformation initiatives.

View the full plan.

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